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Friday, November 04, 2005


Fair Ladies and Noble Gentlemen:

I, RaPUNzel, have a HAIR-raising tale to SHEAR with you
written by the Brothers TRIMM.

When I was a young CURL, a jealous queen LOCKed me in a

I was STRANDed and was at my SPLITS END -- truly a damsel in

The queen thought it was a PERMANENT SOLUTION but, day after
day, knight after knight would try to climb the tower, which
was so tall the FOLLICLE you!

They would climb my BRAID, and if they weren't so handsome,
I would give them the BRUSH off.

Gee, I wonder if that's where I got my reputation for being
such a big TEASE.

One day, a handsome knight named Prince LATHERRINSE tried to
rescue me.

He was HEAD & SHOULDERS above the rest.

I said, "COMB and SHAVE me!"

The queen found out about it and cut off my hair.

And let me tell you, Hell hath no fury as a woman SHORNED!

She'll have Hell TOUPEE because I am not someone to TANGLE

Prince Latherrinse WISPed me away and we got married and had

But, we didn't live happily ever after because he placed too
many CONDITIONERS on our marriage, which were really

So, we PARTED ways and a custody battle ensued.

It came down to SPLITTING HAIRS (heirs) so he took one twin
and I took the other.

So, now I don't date princes anymore because I don't want a
LATHER RINSE REPEAT... (read the shampoo label).

And I've gotten back to my ROOTS by changing my hair from
BLONDE to brown and this new color is to DYE for.

After all, BRUNETTES have more pun.

Well, that's the LONG AND SHORT of my HAIRY tale.

I bid you all ADO!

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